Tuesday 14 October 2014

Risk-Taking with Patience and Hope

A life of Safety, of Comfort and Complacency has nothing of the Extraordinary.

Achievement is the individual's progress beyond the common, and comfort zone.

Progress is defined by constant evolving and rejection of stagnation.

So let us venture out and take the risks: let us try the unconventional.

With HOPE in our immense inborn abilities and PATIENCE to keep going in the face of challenges...

a Universe of potentiality lies before us.

Let us reconsider our safe and common existences.

Let us dare to begin fulfilling our dreams. Step by step. And we will all win.

Monday 13 October 2014

No More Limitations

Research says most of our limitations pertain to TIME. Either we have no time on hand to pursue our dreams, or we feel that Time has passed us by.

In the first case, let us cut down all things that are Not Important and Not urgent: and we will find a treasure of time that we had been wasting all this while. Also Sleep and Rest are highly subjective fields, and we all need to experiment and arrive at our individual requirements for health and maximum productivity.

The next, more damaging limitation, is that Time is Up...there is no more time left on our hands to pursue our goals. To counter this, let us look at the long lists of people who have succeeded after many many failures...often after they crossed 40. In our generation, if we are not exceptionally couselled and guided, we realize our dreams and goals and ideas of a perfect existence only after 30 years or so. Hence it is still not too late..let us.reinvent ourselves and dare to take on challenges...and exit that complacency. 

Aspire for the Universe, let us all. Let us all be the best we can be. We are all special, let us make our lives less ordinary. Let us justify the infinite possibilities that Nature has bestowed us. Today, let us awaken to our Mastery.

Sunday 12 October 2014

Aspire for the Universe

Aspire for the Universe

Limiting our potential is injustice to the infinite possibilities that the Universe has bestowed upon us.

If you have been 'compromising' the grand dreams that you were born with...STOP..and consider

Success comes to those who Seek long enough strong enough...to those who never give up...

The longest toughest journeys start with small steps

So take your first step NOW

List your Limitations.

Tomorrow we will talk about tackling them.